Most YouTube views of a single video for a client: 17,000
Facebook 100% Video views for clients: 456,387
Page visit increase year-over-year for one client per Google Analytics: 200%
39 - Number of states I’ve visited for shoots, 5 Additional states for fun or weddings or golf (Hawaii & Alabama)
Over 600,000 Miles flown for shoots
Years I’ve been Santa for Open Door Family Medical Centers: 5
Bon Appetit Restaurant of the Year that I loved: 1, Turkey and The Wolf
529 Videos in my Vimeo Account
Magazine covers: 105
Miles ridden on road bike: 11,318 too many on hills
CD’s owned and stored away in attic: Over 1200 Playlists on my phone: 41, Songs 4.65 GB (Ask me I’ll share)
Best concerts in no particular order: Flaming Lips, My Morning Jacket, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, The Clash, Lizzo, The Stones (when I was truant from a day of high school), The Replacements, Marianne Faithful, Jeff Beck
Unbelievable comped meals from chefs during cookbook production: 5 (Charlie Trotter’s was truly remarkable)
Complete viewings of season 1 & 2 of Fleabag: 2
Duck Legs and breasts cooked in the last 6 years : 160
Favorite Stoic: I don’t know, I just like the philosophy
Meals cooked in last 19 years: 6318 (Mostly Happily)
Favorite Dog: Buddy (Muddy was a close second) both slightly psychotic
Magical Places: Falling Water, North Rim of The Grand Canyon, Bonneville, New Orleans, Chanterelle, The Frick, The Shack